Sunday, September 29, 2013

Photo Essay

Here and Now


Lloyd Hall Scholars Program

I knew I wanted to be apart of the Lloyd Hall Scholars Program, but everything it has to offer truly did surprise me. It is so amazing to be apart of this community and I really did not realize how much it would help me throughout my freshman year. I came from a very small high school and LHSP in so many shapes and forms has given me a place to feel like I am apart of a tight knit community. Teachers to make true relationships with, classes that are intimate, friends and scholars that are like minded, clubs to share ideas with such creative people, a beautiful place to live and many more special things.

Nichols Arboretum

After being at Michigan for a month I still have much to explore in the infamous arb. Prior to coming to Michigan I heard some things about this place from friends, but I really was unaware of what was inside here. It has already become my favorite place to run on campus because of its unbelievable amount of beauty. Although I've ran here multiple times, I feel like there is still so much to see and explore. I also want to spend time in there, other than when I want to go on a nice run. It seems to me that so much creative thinking could be produced inside the arb. 


Since I have arrived at the University of Michigan this most fits the "idea" I had before I came. Having the most amazing tailgates anyone will ever experience, waking up at 7.30am after going to sleep late the night before and learning the Michigan fight song. All I've heard before coming here is that the school spirit is so incredible and contagious. Everyone, in there own ways, has proved that to be right. GO BLUE.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Usually when writing a first draft of a paper start one of two ways. Either I write an outline if I have an idea of what I want to talk about, or I simply write my thoughts down as they come to me. Usually my first drafts tend to be very rough and I believe my writing is much better with multiple revisions. The first time through I usually read the paper in its entirety to remind myself of everything I wrote because I believe its best to revise on a fresh note, not right after I write the first draft. Then I like to look closely at my thesis statement and topic sentences to see if I have created somewhat of a structure that is starting to flow. After that I like to look for evidence in each body paragraph and see if its meant to be there and if its necessary in the paper overall. Does it make it stronger? Does it add to my argument? It also helps me alot to have someone else read my paper to get another fresh set of eyes to view the paper overall, but also fix the small things that are easy to jump over in your own paper.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

2nd blog post - 1st essay thoughts

September 16, 2013

1. A Good Man is Hard to Find

  • The title of the story refers to a conversation the grandmother has in the story with Red Sammy. 
    • "It isnt a soul in this green world of God's that you can trust."
    • "I remember the day you could go off and leave your screen door unlatched. Not no more."
    • The grandmother and Red Sammy discuss old, "better" times. 
    • Flannery O' Connor seems to constantly glorify the past throughout the story 
  • Flannery O' Connor seems to constantly glorify the past throughout the story 
    • When the grandmother has her horrible thought that she has been "vividly" describing the wrong place, it leads to the downfall of the entire story when the family gets into a car accident. Right before the grandmother comes to the realization that the house was in Tennessee, the past is again glorified when she remembers when there were "no paved roads and thirty miles was a day's journey."

2. The Trespasser

  • Juxtaposition between the daughter and the trespasser
    • both young girls that have so much in common, but also are so different.
    • Bonnie Jo Campbell makes the reader feel sympathy for the trespasser 
    • everything that the trespasser represents is exactly what the daughter has had her parents to protect her from 
  • "It is the teenaged daughter, the swimmer, the honor student, who discovers her own missing mattress on the river-side porch..."
    • Why does Campbell list these things about the daughter? What is the significance? 

First Post: The Student

September 15, 2013

On good friday a student is walking back home and he passes by two widows. As we is passing by he notices the widows warming themselves around a fire. The student decides to approach the woman and join them around the fire. Eventually, he tells them the story of Apostle Peter and the woman are very touched. He makes a connection between the story, the woman and himself.

Key moments:

1. When the student finishes his story I believe this would be a good scene to take a closer look at. Here Vasilisa "suddenly choke[s]" and "big, abundant tears roll down her cheeks." The woman immediately starts crying after the boy tells the story of Apostle Peter. This is a somewhat mysterious moment. Where does this come from? What connection does the woman have to the story?

2. Another scene that would elaborate on the first one I mentioned is when the student makes the connection himself. "The student thought again that if Vasilisa wept and her daughter was troubled, then obviously what he had just told them, something that had taken place nineteen centuries ago, had a relation to the present - to both women, and probably to this desolate village, to himself, to all people."