the very beginning of the article
"Cheating Upwards" the writer gives a full
character description
and allows the reader to visualize the setting. The writer uses a lot of
keeping the reader engaged. Although this is a true event, the author is able to tell much of it
as a story. From the beginning the reader is aware of what the
is and that keeps the reader
engaged to want to read what is going
to happen with Nayeem. Throughout the story the
setting is constantly described
and each new character that enters the story is introduced with a full
character description. The author also uses a small amount of
dialogue in order
to keep the reader to continue to
visualize and
feel the situation. The author
also opens up his article with a very
specific event of cheating, to
into the bigger picture of high-profile cheating scandals. Afterwards, there is
a transition back into the opening story when the author meets with Nayeem.
Robert Kolker is able to write an
informative article, while telling a
narrative throughout.

I read this six months ago I did not pay attention to the way that Kolker wrote
this article. I believe I just read straight through, maybe even skimmed over parts, wondering why I had to read another article on cheating. I did not even think to pay attention
to why he created such a successful piece, furthermore, I most likely did not even think that it was a successful piece. During my first reading I did not even care to pay attention to Kolker's use of narrative within the article. After my first term in college, and more specifically taking this LHSP course, I believe I truly have learned so much more about writing and what makes a good piece. My writing still
needs a lot of work, but this class has taught me to be a more sophisticated
writer and has given me a more open mind when sitting down to write. Before
coming to college, every time I would get an essay assigned I would get
extremely stressed out. Not that essays are easy for me to write now, but I feel
much more comfortable sitting down to start. Additionally, I have begun to read
in a slightly different manner. As I pay more attention to my writing, It is
inevitable that I am going to start paying closer attention when reading. Also
this term we have spent a good amount of time analyzing all different types of
writers and their different ways of writing, and that has given me a stronger
background of how to look at writing.
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