Sunday, September 15, 2013

First Post: The Student

September 15, 2013

On good friday a student is walking back home and he passes by two widows. As we is passing by he notices the widows warming themselves around a fire. The student decides to approach the woman and join them around the fire. Eventually, he tells them the story of Apostle Peter and the woman are very touched. He makes a connection between the story, the woman and himself.

Key moments:

1. When the student finishes his story I believe this would be a good scene to take a closer look at. Here Vasilisa "suddenly choke[s]" and "big, abundant tears roll down her cheeks." The woman immediately starts crying after the boy tells the story of Apostle Peter. This is a somewhat mysterious moment. Where does this come from? What connection does the woman have to the story?

2. Another scene that would elaborate on the first one I mentioned is when the student makes the connection himself. "The student thought again that if Vasilisa wept and her daughter was troubled, then obviously what he had just told them, something that had taken place nineteen centuries ago, had a relation to the present - to both women, and probably to this desolate village, to himself, to all people."

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