Thursday, November 14, 2013


Some changes are small and some are big. Some changes have no impact on us at all and others impact us greatly. As senior year came to an end things began to feel monotonous. Same people, same place, same things. I was ready for change, I was ready to meet new people and be in a new place. I was awaiting this transition for many months, but for so long it was so far in the future. It only hit reality about a week before I was going to get on a plane and move my life to Ann Arbor. This was probably the biggest change my life has ever brought me. I’ve been very lucky to grow up with a steady and reliable family and live in the same house and keep the same friends for many years. Of course, I have experience change in many aspects of my life but nothing this large. Moving away from my family has already made me so much more independent and I think I’m only going to continue to grow because of this. I am so happy I chose to move away from home at this age because I still have my parents to count on and support me at all times, so I am lucky enough to have the ability to gradually grow and change on my own. I am able to experience this change before hitting the real world. During my time in college I am not only going to gain independence, but also grow as a student and as a person. So far while at the University of Michigan I think I am a much more engaged and attentive student. In high school, we were barley able to choose the classes we took and I think taking classes that I am truly interested in make me want to do well and impress my teachers. I want to earn my success later in life and I think that needs to start now. I need to earn the respect of my fellow peers and my teachers. I need to put in the work that I want to come out.

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