Thursday, November 14, 2013


S t r u c t u r e . . . 

Sometimes I wonder if structure is a good thing or a bad thing? When one has structure does it help them get closer to the finish or does it make it more difficult? I wonder if there even is an answer to this. I think that everyone needs a some sort of structure in their lives, but how much is too much? I think the answer to this question must vary on different types of people. Some people thrive off structure, but others need to be placed in an open field with zero around in order to come up with their best work. Structure can come in many shapes and forms, but what kind of structure is the most useful? Who do we go to for our structure? Who do we listen to? Or do we give ourselves structure? On the other hand how much is too much freedom? If one had all the freedom in the world, no limitations, no person or thing stopping them, would they be successful? Or could this have a negative effect? How much freedom is appropriate? Who can tell us how much freedom we are aloud to have? Is it most important that we listen to ourselves? Do we tell ourselves how much structure and freedom we are aloud to have or do we allow someone else to grant that for us?

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