Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What do you see?

external: I see a man who is wearing a striped sweater with different tones of grey, and a light colored collared shirt peeking through. He pairs the cashmere sweater with dark jeans and a black pair of adidas sneakers. This man gestures with his whole body as he speaks, specifically uses many hand gestures. He is talking with a very calming voice. His voice carries a very chill, relaxed tone and he seems very open to the ideas of others. 

internal: This mans name is Jamie. He is 35 years old and from a small town in Connecticut. Jamie has had a tough upbringing as a child. His mother suffered from breast Cancer, and his dad, although very successful in the film industry, has been dealing with an unknown sickness for many years. Jamie has an older brother and an older sister. He went to college at NYU and has always been interested in music. Currently, he is a music producer and is doing very well at such a young age. Jamie has a very laid back manner about him due to the way he was brought up. He feels so fortunate for what he has and fears his health. Although he may be slightly insecure about his looks, he is overall a confident guy.

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